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 Current Location: Populus pruinosa>>Detailed information

1. Morphological characteristics
Populus pruinosa is a deciduous tree with an open canopy. The trunk is gray and white, and the branches are covered with short gray tomentum. The leaves of young plants and budding branches are elliptical, and the adult leaves are mostly broad-ovate leaves, densely pubescent and silvery shiny, the edge of the leaf is wavy, thick and soft, or slightly serrated at the tip. Dioecious, catkin inflorescence; infructescence 5cm~6 cm long, fruit sequence axis, fruit stalk and capsule are densely covered with short tomentum. The capsule is oblong, grayish-yellow, with a pointed tip. The diameter of the fruit is 0.2cm~0.3 cm and the length is 0.8cm~1.0 cm. The Populus pruinosa seeds are small, reddish-brown, oblong, slightly pointed at the base, blunt at the apex, and bear many white filamentous tomentum. Flowering in April, fruiting period from July to August. The size of Populus pruinosa genome is approximately 521.1Mb (2n=38).
2. Growth characteristics
The growth status of Populus pruinosa is affected by the interaction of many factors, and the total growth amount of height and DBH of Boplar is increasing with the increase of age.Populus pruinosa grew the fastest during 6-10 years, with the height increasing 38-75cm and DBH increasing 1.1-1.4cm.In the dry wood stage, the vertical growth of Populus pruinosa was vigorous, the height growth was the main growth, the diameter growth was the second growth, the crown growth increased less.
3. Phenological stage of flower and fruit
In the Tarim Basin of southern Xinjiang, flowering phenology was 5-7 days later than that of P. euphratica under the same site conditions, and flowering phenology of male plants was 2 to 3 days earlier than that of female plants.The flower bud of Populus pruinosa stage of fruit and fruit starts to differentiate from late May to late June every year, differentiates and matures in early March of the next year, the flowering period ends in mid-April, and the capsule matures in July.The fruit maturity period of Populus pruinosa is shorter than that of Populus euphratica.
4. Root characteristics
The vertical spatial distribution of main roots of Populus pruinosa is basically consistent with the buried depth of groundwater.The horizontal lateral roots on the taproot of Populus cinerea are arranged at an Angle of nearly 90°, and grow and expand in the horizontal direction in the soil. When the taproot grows at a certain stage, the taproot drops vertically at a specific spatial site.The horizontal spread of different first-stage transverse lateral roots on the same taproot was distributed in the soil layer 10 ~ 100cm away from the surface, and concentrated in the soil layer 20 ~ 40cm away.
5. Natural propagation method Seed propagation

Seed breeding: Populus pruinosa mature in the middle of July, and the seed dispersal period is from the middle of July to the late of August. The seed dispersal period coincides with the flood period of Hetian River, Yerqiang River and Tarim River.After the seeds are scattered and fall on the wet floodplain, they can germinate and form seedlings to realize seed reproduction.

Tiller propagation: Populus pruinosa has developed horizontal root system, which is used as the root and tiller reproductive organ for root and tiller propagation, and has the ability to gradually expand and form a large population range.In the area lacking the floodplain conditions, Populus pruinosa population range was expanded mainly by means of root tillering propagation.